Hair Loss In The Winters? Here’s How You Can Tackle The Same

Hair Loss In The Winters? Here’s How You Can Tackle The Same. Winters are officially here and that means you can relish piping hot soups and delicious fresh fruit juices, you can enjoy bringing out those stylish jackets and walking in the warm sunlight. However, winters also mean tougher times for your skin and hair; this also happens to be the time when hair loss in men & women tends to go up. As scary and worrisome as it might seem, losing hair during the winters is a natural phenomenon and if you are willing to take a little extra care, there is no reason why you should have hair loss that is more than what is absolutely normal.

Why Hair Loss In The Winters? How To Prevent This?

If you want to protect your hair during the winter months, here are just a few things that we can suggest:

  • In case you are noticing that you have a lot more hair fall than what is normal, then your first step needs to be to try and figure out what exactly could be leading to the extra hair loss. There is a chance that there are some habits of yours that could be leading to aggravated hair loss or it could be some underlying medical condition. If the hair loss is way too much, it would be wise to talk to a doctor or hair expert and perhaps get some medical tests done to get a proper diagnosis.
  • Anything warm feels good during the winter months, and even your hair will appreciate the warmth – warm your favorite hair oil (it can be regular coconut or something like olive or jojoba), and using your fingers, massage the oil into your scalp. You should also rub the oil all along the length of your hair. Another easy and effective hair loss treatment is to soak a thick towel in some reasonably hot water and then wring it out. Wrap your hair up gently in this towel and let it sit like that for about 20 minutes, before washing it off with shampoo.
  • Because the cold air of the winter months is already quite harsh on your hair, you might want to reconsider your regular hair care products. Look for natural products or choose organic brands; during this time of the year, or as a matter of fact, at any time of the year, you should try to avoid the usage of too many chemicals. Choose shampoos and conditioners that are sulfate and paraben-free or you could even go back to home remedies such as teeth and shikakai to wash your hair.
  • No matter how good it might feel, do not use very hot water on your hair, because it will strip away all the natural oils on your scalp. This is actually one of the most common reasons for hair loss in men & women. Ideally, you should use warm water to wash your hair or if possible, use room temperature water. If you like the warmth, you can most certainly consider steam, because steam is actually good for your hair. After you are done oiling your hair, you can use either a steam machine or if you have access to a steam room, you can use it.
  • Winters are a great time to give your hair some deep nourishment and some extra care – simply look online or talk to the elders in the family and they should be able to suggest simple recipes for hair masks. Anything from curd to beer to eggs, honey, and aloe vera can be used to make nourishing hair masks and you can use them regularly, without any worry. However, do remember to use ingredients that will work well with your hair type, if you want to make it an effective hair loss treatment.
  • Your diet will also have an important role to play, especially during the winters – you need to make sure that you have plenty of water and sufficient fresh fruits and vegetables in your daily diet. Fruits with high water content such as apples and berries and vegetables like carrots, tomatoes, and greens like spinach are good options to add to your diet during the winters

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Expert’s Advice

In case you are seriously worried about how your hair is behaving during the winters, you can always meet with a hair expert and ask them for non-invasive treatments and therapies, which can help with hair fall. Procedures such as using a laser comb could help reduce hair loss and improve your natural hair growth. You could even ask for supplements such as vitamin E or collagen supplements, which are known to improve the overall quality of hair and make hair stronger from within. Also read How To Choose The Best Hairstyle For Men’s Haircuts

Hair loss is a normal and natural phenomenon, and as long as you are losing only a few hairs every day, you can be sure that they will grow back. However, if you are losing hair in a quantity that is more than normal, make sure that you talk to an expert or make the above-mentioned changes.