Get Glowing Skin: 5 Easy Ways to Steam Your Face at Home

Get Glowing Skin: 5 Easy Ways to Steam Your Face at Home. Before cleansing, peeling, applying a mask, and other cosmetic procedures, you should steam your face. This is useful, since when steaming, the pores open, the skin is cleansed of dead cells and the care products penetrate deeper into the layers of the epidermis. More often, facial steaming is done in salons with the help of special equipment – a vaporizer. But we will tell you how to steam the skin at home. You can easily learn how to do this procedure yourself, without resorting to the services of a beautician.

Steam your face

Why do facial steaming

Steaming is a preliminary procedure to prepare the skin for cleansing and better absorption of cosmetics. How it works: Under the action of steam, the skin warms up, pores open, muscles relax, and skin care procedures are carried out more accessible and efficient. It is recommended to steam before peeling and masks.

Why steaming is useful:

  • Removes black dots. With the help of the procedure, the pores are well opened, and impurities and bacteria that clog the sebaceous glands are removed.
  • Leaves skin soft, supple & hydrated. During steaming, the skin is saturated with moisture, which solves the problem of dehydration and signs of aging: flaking disappears, dark circles under the eyes, and wrinkles become less noticeable.
  • Increases the effectiveness of cosmetics. Moist steam allows the skin to better absorb the active ingredients and enhances their effect. At the same time, exclude aggressive products, and use natural products, namely, oils with a high content of retinol, vitamins A, B, C, D, and E, and amino acids.
  • Normalizes blood circulation. When steaming, blood vessels expand, blood circulation improves, the skin is saturated with oxygen and a healthy, well-groomed appearance returns to it.
  • Heals damaged skin. Steaming helps clear infections that cause acne, and relieves inflammation and redness.

Life hack: to get rid of acne, steam your face for 4 minutes, pat your skin dry with a clean towel, and after 30 minutes rub the pimples with an ice cube for several minutes. You will see the redness and inflammation begin to subside.

If you regularly steam your skin, you will notice how it will acquire a healthy glow, freshness, and beauty without expensive cosmetic procedures.

To whom steaming is contraindicated

Please note that it is not always possible to steam the skin. If your skin is prone to rosacea – thinning of the capillary walls, then you should avoid exposure to hot steam. Also, after the procedure, inflamed comedones should not be squeezed out. Why? Firstly, you will damage the skin, and micro-scars may remain. Secondly, you run the risk of infecting and getting even more inflammation.

What to do in such a case? Some cosmetics have a warming effect, which does not harm sensitive skin. Its components moisturize the skin, soften the epidermis and make it easier to clean it.

How to prepare for facial steaming

Where to start before you start streaming? Here are some simple steps.

  • Step 1. Prepare a deep container, preferably glass or enamel, but not plastic, a towel, and cosmetics that will come in handy for the following procedures.
  • Step 2. Gather your hair so that it does not interfere, for example, tie it with an elastic band or a scarf.
  • Step 3. Wash your face with a gel or foam cleanser to cleanse your face of dirt and make-up residue. Then wipe the skin with tonic or micellar water.
  • Step 4. Boil water and leave it to cool. Do not steam with too hot steam, it is harmful both for sensitive skin and for the respiratory system. Suitable steam temperature – no more than 50 degrees.

How to Safely Steam Your Face at Home

You can choose one of the suggested methods or test several options to see which one suits you best.

Steam bath

Do you remember when your mother used to make you breathe Get Glowing Skin steam over potatoes when you had a cold as a child? This is a similar method, only vegetables will not be useful to you. You can enhance the effect of the bath by adding herbs to the water: chamomile, mint, calendula, or lavender.

  • Tip: if you want a bath with herbs, then add them while heating. But essential oils are added immediately before the procedure so that their aromatic properties do not evaporate.

How to make such a bath:

  • Pour boiling water into a deep container and let the water cool.
  • Place the container of hot water on a towel so that it does not fall.
  • When the water has cooled down (the optimum temperature is 40 degrees), close your eyes, and lean over
  • the water at a distance of 30-40 cm.
  • Throw a large towel over your head to create the effect of a bath.

Steam bath

The duration of the procedure is no more than 15 minutes.

Steaming with a towel

If you don’t like inhaling hot air, try steaming with a towel.

Tip: for oily skin, a terry or bamboo towel is best, and for sensitive skin, a muslin cloth is best.

  • Soak a clean, soft towel in hot water (not boiling water, so as not to scald!) With or without herbs.
  • Squeeze it thoroughly, wrap your face with it, and sit like this for 2 minutes.
  • You can gently rub your face with a towel for easy exfoliation.

Application with a napkin

This method is similar to the previous one, only instead of a towel you will need a cotton napkin.

  • Soak a washcloth in hot water.
  • Treat the T-zone areas – forehead, nose, and chin. This is great for Get Glowing Skin getting rid of blackheads. You can leave the napkin for 1-2 minutes as a compress.

Thermoactive cosmetics

With warming agents, you do not need to take baths and apply a towel to your face. They exfoliate the skin well on their own. These include warming mud masks or softening gels. You can often find Epsom salts, ginger, and honey in thermoactive cosmetics — the same ingredients that go into homemade mask recipes. When applied to the skin, the products are heated to the desired temperature, namely, up to 50 degrees. This steaming option is especially suitable for sensitive skin.

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Steaming masks

If you do not have a cosmetic mask on hand, then you can make it yourself. Try these simple recipes:

  • Honey mask. Warm up 2 tbsp. honey and add 2 tbsp. milk. Apply Get Glowing Skin to the face, cover with cling film, and leave for 10 minutes. Wash off the mask with warm water.
  • Oatmeal mask. Grind 2 tbsp. oatmeal and add them to half a glass of hot milk. Leave the mixture for 5 minutes, and add 1 tsp to it. baking soda. Apply the mask, hold it for up to 10 minutes, and rinse with warm water.
  • Ginger mask. On a fine grater, grate a small ginger root, and add 1 tbsp. hot milk and 1 tbsp. starch to get a jelly-like consistency. Apply the mask on the skin, cover it with a clean cloth, and rinse with warm water after 15-20 minutes.

Steaming masks

Remember that homemade masks can cause an allergic reaction. If you know that you are allergic to the components that are included in these recipes, then do not take risks and do not make such a mask!

Skin care after steaming

The final stage of steaming will be skincare. Fix the effect and make your favorite mask, for example, clay or fabric. If the skin requires cleansing, then use a light peel. Wash your face with cool water and Get Glowing Skin feel a surge of vigor and freshness. Don’t forget to wipe your face with toner to seal pores and protect your skin from impurities. Finally, apply a moisturizer that suits your skin type.

Tip: do not abuse the effects of heat on the skin, so steam no more than once a week