Unforgettable 40 Weeks of Pregnancy Week By Week

Surprising 40 Weeks Of Pregnancy Week By Week

During 40 weeks of pregnancy – The whole world changes around you in an instant, and this happens when you realize that you have a new life within you. You usually learn about your pregnancy when your baby is already four weeks old. At this point, the length of the embryo can be only four millimeters, and the weight is so small that it is almost impossible to measure.

The Beginning of A New Life

But from this time on, you begin to feel a number of changes in your body: the breast becomes larger and heavier, the nipples are pigmented. In the morning, you may feel nauseous, and in the afternoon you get tired faster than usual.

The sense of smell is aggravated, taste is changing, you can become more emotional and sharper than before, react to current events.

Everything around you makes a greater impression, and this means that life takes on a new meaning and is painted in new colors. This is a mysterious beginning, the birth of that real that will be visible to the whole world. This is the time when you need to get used to a special and new position.

Unforgettable 40 Weeks of Pregnancy Week By Week

Pregnancy Week By Week

This is real magic and, perhaps, one of the greatest wonders of the world: within 9 months a small creature develops inside you, and then a new person appears. However, before this happens, a lot of interesting things will happen in your stomach. Same things you feels regularly during 40 weeks of pregnancy.

“Impressive, amazing, unique! In the first 16 weeks, the foundation for the whole life of the child is laid: organs, muscles, nerves, skin – all this develops precisely at this time. ”

Pregnancy: From the very beginning

First To Week 4 Pregnancy

This is the beginning part of 40 weeks of pregnancy. At the very beginning, the foundation is laid: at the merger of the 23 chromosomes of the mother and father during fertilization, it is decided whether your baby will be a girl or a boy, what color his eyes and hair will be, whether he will be snub-nosed and whether he will have thin fingers.

A fertilized egg travels through the Fallopian tubes into the uterus and finally settles there on the seventh day after fertilization. Cell division occurs rapidly, and already in the fourth week, each cell knows its specific task and purpose.

Heart affairs: Week 5 To Week 6 Pregnancy

Knock Knock! Knock Knock! Now your baby’s heart begins to beat. Menstruation does not occur, and a pregnancy test finally officially confirms that you are pregnant. From the sixth week, organs begin to form: the liver and kidneys, until the eighth week, fingers and facial features develop. The crumb itself is already in size from 9 to 15 millimeters. So, this is also called the second period in all 40 weeks of pregnancy.

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Feelings Over Feelings: Week 9 To Week 12 Preganacy

Your baby went through the first stage of development and began to be called not a fetus, but a fruit! Internal organs are formed completely, the brain is already covered with bones of the skull and is constantly growing. Bookmarks of the external genitalia are formed, and the baby can now perceive sensory impressions and emotions.

During these 40 weeks of pregnancy, with the beginning of the twelfth week, the first trimester is over! Now your baby already has all the vital parts of the body: from the roots of the teeth to the nails on the toes – everything is in place. Even the first hairs begin to grow.

Requires A Lots Of Care & Relaxing Comfort

During these weeks of pregnancy: You need to take breaks several times a day during work in order to relax and concentrate on the unborn baby. Stroking the stomach and talking with the baby in a calm environment, you will feel for the first time that you have established some kind of connection with him, which will also allow you to feel the baby sensitively when he is born and grows up. A child in one day, of course, declares itself, starting to move.

This will bring the first game elements during your pregnancy – once, having felt your hand or the hand of your father, the baby will first react to attention to it. Dad should also talk with the child. The singing of the mother and father, who hears the fetus, has a beneficial effect on the development of the child.

Boy or Girl? – Week 13 To Week 16 Pregnancy

During this period, the child begins to perceive the first noises, his vocal chords form. First of all, he will hear your heartbeat, noises in your stomach and intestines, get used to your voice. The face takes on a clearer outline, and soon you will be able to see if you will have a boy or girl. The active period begins: even if you do not feel it clearly, the first spontaneous movements of the head, arms and legs appear.

Week 17 To Week 24 Pregnancy

Now your belly is getting bigger, and you feel the first movements of your child: jerks and kicks become more frequent. Your baby does not yet have a night and day rhythm. Your steps lull him throughout the day, and at night, when you are calmer, he has more space and he moves. By the end of the sixth month, his height reaches 31 centimeters, and weighs as much as 700 grams!

Week 25 To Week 32 Pregnancy

At this stage of development, a small creature opens its eyes for the first time and can distinguish light from darkness and recognize various forms. Now, to fall asleep, he closes his eyes, and when he is awake, they are open. The baby forms its own immune system and, possibly, your baby hiccups – as it trains breathing.

Week 33 To Week 40 Pregnancy

Your baby is slowly but surely preparing for the birth: he begins to spin and sinks lower in the pelvis! Starting at 38 weeks, the lungs are fully formed and the baby is ready for birth. On average, at birth it weighs 3-4 kg. But each child is individual. Growth ranges from 48 to 54 cm, it can weigh a modest 2.5 kg or as much as 4.5 kg! The main thing: soon you will be able to take your baby in your arms!