Acne Chatterbox From a Dermatologist: 5 Tips for Use

Acne Chatterbox From a Dermatologist: 5 Tips for Use Concealer, foundation, powder… How many other corrective products do girls use to hide problem skin? But let’s be honest, breakouts need to be dealt with, not hidden under cosmetics in the hope that they will go unnoticed.

Someone actively treats acne with a dermatologist, visits a cosmetologist, and someone tries to deal with rashes at home. However, in any case, there should always be a sos-remedy on hand that will help to quickly dry the pimple, relieve inflammation and, in general, accelerate skin healing. Such a magic wand can be considered a special talker. They are recommended by many dermatologists as an adjunct during acne treatment. Well, We will tell you in detail about the talkers, recipes for their preparation at home, and subsequent use. So sit back, we’ll figure out what’s what.

Causes of acne

Causes of acne

Skin rashes are a problem that worries not only teenagers but also adults. Acne is considered the eighth most common skin disease worldwide, with about 9.4% of people suffering from it. There are actually many causes of acne, consider some of them:

  • Genetic predisposition;
  • Side effects while taking medications;
  • Hormonal imbalance ;
  • Strong sweating;
  • Stress ;
  • Hyperactivity of the sebaceous glands;
  • Unhealthy diet and bad habits;
  • Active reproduction of bacteria living on the surface of the skin.

Regardless of the cause, acne can appear not only on the face but quite often they can be found on the back, arms, and chest. Rashes on the body add self-doubt and make you hide your favorite dress or open T-shirt deep into the wardrobe.

In order to say goodbye to hated acne once and for all, you should contact a dermatologist, take tests, undergo an examination, and identify the cause of the problem. But if for one reason or another, you cannot get to the doctor, a talker comes to the rescue. This is a proven tool that can help out at any time.

Professional Treatments for Acne

To begin with, talkers are different, and their formula largely depends on the cause of acne. As a rule, a dermatologist, based on the results of research, prescribes one or another talker. The composition of such funds most often includes antibiotics and anti-inflammatory drugs. The principle of action is very simple: prevent the growth of pathogenic flora, reduce the activity of the sebaceous glands, and eliminate irritation and inflammation on the skin. Since any talker has a drying effect, it is recommended to apply it pointwise in the evening. If the composition of the product is not very aggressive, the dermatologist may recommend wiping the entire affected area with a solution. Note that the talker can be used both for the face and for the whole body, where rashes are localized.

Acne Chatterbox

Chatterbox with calendula

Everyone is well aware of the healing properties of calendula. It has healing, anti-inflammatory, disinfectant, and antiseptic properties. Therefore, it is so often used as a means to combat rashes. Chatterboxes based on it are no less effective.

What is needed for cooking:

  • Calendula tincture – 40 ml;
  • Levomycetin – 3-5 tablets;
  • Aspirin or acetylsalicylic acid – 3-5 tablets.


  • Grind the tablets into powder and add to the tincture;
  • Leave the product overnight in the refrigerator;
  • Shake the bottle well before use.


A chatterbox with calendula is intended for point application to the affected areas of the skin. If there is a need to apply to a large area, dilute separately the required amount of product with water in a ratio of 1:1. This is necessary in order not to dry out the skin.

Chatterbox with salicylic acid

Salicylic acid is one of the most popular remedies for problem skin. It has antiseptic, healing, anti-inflammatory, regenerating, exfoliating, and sebum-regulating properties. In addition, salicylic acid prevents the appearance of hyperpigmentation and helps even out the tone of the face. It is not surprising that talkers based on it are so popular.

Chatterbox with salicylic acid

What is needed for cooking:

  • Salicylic acid 2% – 30 ml;
  • Levomycetin – 4 tablets;
  • Boric acid – 50 ml.


  • Crush the tablets into powder;
  • Add boric and salicylic acids to a small container;
  • Connect all the components of the talker;
  • Leave the product in the refrigerator for one day (at least 4 hours);
  • Shake the bottle well before use.


Since the tool is quite strong, it is recommended to apply pointwise to pimples. It is better to use the talker for no longer than a week to avoid overdrying the skin.

Chatterbox with chloramphenicol

Levomycetin is a broad-spectrum antibiotic that can destroy a large number of microorganisms that cause acne and inflammation on the skin. Chatterboxes based on this antibiotic also proved to be excellent, so catch another recipe.

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What is needed for cooking:

  • Levomycetin – 2-3 tablets;
  • Sulfur – 2.5 g;
  • Boric acid – 50 ml;
  • Ethyl alcohol – 50 ml.


  • Crush the tablets into powder;
  • Combine boric acid and alcohol in one bottle;
  • Add chloramphenicol;
  • Leave the prepared suspension for a day in the refrigerator.


The sulfur, boric acid, and alcohol included in the talker dry the skin well, so it is better to apply the product only on damaged areas of the skin in the evening.

These talkers will be a real find for both teenagers and people who still can’t get rid of skin rashes.

And if you have already used talkers and can share your experience of using them, be sure to write about it in the comments. Perhaps it is your review that will help someone cope with the problem of acne.