How Serums Protect and Nourish Your Skin, Lashes, and Hair in Cold Weather {2023}

How Serums Protect and Nourish Your Skin, Lashes, and Hair in Cold Weather . The cold season always affects the challenges our skin faces. Low temperatures, harsh winds, and frequent fluctuations in humidity affect the condition of the skin and hair. Yes, and after the heat with the active action of the sun’s rays, you often need to recover. To achieve a targeted effect, you should pay attention to serums – beauty product that has an increased concentration of active ingredients and a directed action on the problem.

Serums for the face

How to choose and use serums in autumn and winter.

Serums for the face

In summer, the sun, and ultraviolet actively acted on the skin. We sunbathed and forgot to use SPF, so in the autumn, the skin should be helped to recover and prepare for the winter period of frost and winds.

Take care of moisturizing (during this period, the production of sebum by the skin decreases and it is easy to allow dehydration), strengthening the protective functions of the skin, but do not forget about nutrition.

As part of serums for the face, pay attention to the presence of the following components:

  • Panthenol;
  • Ceramides;
  • Hyaluronic acid;
  • Glycerol;
  • Amino acids;
  • Plant extracts and oils;
  • Allantoin.

Serums should be used in conjunction with other stages of facial care, in particular, applying a cream. Its composition should also be selected by the time of year. The cream helps to fix the action of the beneficial components of the face serum.

Serums for eyelashes and eyebrows

Serums for the face of many beauties have become a must-have in care. But eyelashes and eyebrows do not always receive enough attention.

Let’s start with expectations. If by nature your eyelashes are short and not too lush, then you will not be able to get a fan only after using the serum. The active components of this beauty product work to correct several processes that affect the appearance of your eyelashes:

Serums for eyelashes and eyebrows

  • Accelerate the restoration of eyelashes in the growth phase;
  • Prolong the resting phase, during which, although new eyelashes do not appear, the pigment is not lost either.

Thus, the action of serums for eyelashes and eyebrows helps to delay the period when the hairs Nourish Your Skin begin to fall out, making room for beginners. The composition uses peptides, amino acids, and plant components aimed at accelerating growth.

But the influence should be systematic, preferably daily:

  • Before applying, be sure to wash off makeup and cleanse the skin.
  • If you use contact lenses, take them off first.
  • It is better to carry out the procedure before going to bed (because let’s be honest, in the morning you don’t always have time to let the product absorb thoroughly).
  • Apply the serum along the lash line to the upper eyelid. It will be redistributed to the lower agent during sleep.

Hair Serums

When choosing a hair serum, you should focus on the problem you want to solve and your hair type. For example, dry curls usually need leave-in products, while oily hair is interested in products that act on the roots and scalp.

How to use hair serums correctly?

The main recommendations, of course, each manufacturer gives on the packaging. But all of them can usually be divided into two groups:

Hair Serums

  • Before washing. The product is applied for some time to dirty hair. And then use shampoo and Nourish Your Skin conditioner.
  • After washing. In this case, the product is applied to wet hair to be better absorbed. Do not use an excessive amount of product, otherwise, the hair may look greasy. And if you plan to use a hair dryer, then do it not immediately, the components of the serum need time to act.

Where to apply hair serum?

Where exactly this tool is applied depends on what action it is oriented to:

  • Most serums are evenly distributed along the length of the hair. Apply a small Nourish Your Skin amount on the scalp to act on the roots.
  • Brittle-end repair products have a more isolated effect.
  • If you are struggling with hair loss, it is only logical that the serum should be applied to the roots, rubbing lightly into the scalp.
  • Serums that require rinsing, spread over the scalp along the partings. Do this before washing, and do not forget about a light massage: rub the product with your fingers, moving from the edge of the hair growth to the crown. After three minutes of this procedure, comb your hair and wash it with warm water (if you have dry hair).
  • But for owners of oily hair, you can skip the massage stage, hold the product on your hair a little longer and wash it with cool water.
  • Revitalizing serums are recommended to be used under a film cap and a towel. Half an hour – and rinse, but make sure that the water is not hot.
  • Leave-in serums are applied to clean, damp hair. Carefully read the instructions for the tool, usually, this type should not be used for the roots.

How often can hair serums be used?

Using the same serum for a long time is not a good idea. Useful Nourish Your Skin components will accumulate in the hair, and the effect will either stop appearing, or it may even turn out to be negative. Therefore, form a hair care scheme using products of different directions of action.

This also Related The 6 Best Winter and Autumn Moisturizers For Every Skin Type

The following scheme will also be useful: “2: 1: 0.5”

  • The first month – twice a week;
  • The second month – once a week;
  • The third month – in a week.

Usually, this period is enough to see the effect. If it is not there, it is possible that the serum was chosen incorrectly.

Serums are a helpful assistant in the care of the condition of the skin, hair, eyelashes, and eyebrows. But it is important to be regular and systematic and, of course, take into account your personal needs.

Don’t forget to like the article if you find interesting products in it. And leave questions in the comments if you want more detailed information about the use of serums!


1. When is the best time to use face serums?

You should apply face serums after washing your face and before Nourish Your SkinĀ  using moisturizer. This helps the serum work well. It’s good to use serums in the morning and at night.

2. Can eyelash serums cause any problems?

Eyelash serums are usually safe, but some people might have problems. It can cause a little bit of redness or itching around the eyes. If this happens, stop using the serum and talk to a doctor.

3. Will hair serums make my hair greasy?

Hair serums won’t make your hair greasy if you use a small amount. Just put a little bit on your hair, avoiding the roots. This will make your hair look nice and healthy without getting greasy.

4. How often should I use face serums in cold weather?

It depends on your skin and the serum you’re using. In cold weather, it’s good to use a face serum once or twice a day. But make sure to read the instructions or ask a grown-up for help.

5. Are there natural ways to take care of hair instead of using serums?

Yes, there are natural ways to care for your hair. You Nourish Your Skin can try using natural oils like coconut oil or argan oil. They can make your hair look nice and shiny. Also, eating healthy food with vitamins and minerals is good for your hair.