How To Make An Intro Video That Will Get You Noticed

Intro Videos are short videos shown before the main content or the video. These intro videos essentially contain the brand name and logo. Even though intro videos last only a few seconds, they must be impactful and align with what your brand truly represents. The look and feel of the intro video should reflect your brand’s values.

Any viewer who starts watching a video or a movie starts with anticipation. Videos are a powerful medium of communication & storytelling. The first 5-10 seconds could either hook the viewers or make them change their minds and switch to another video. Hence, putting an intro video is more important for the video creators.

Creating a video intro can be fun to add personality to your videos and help them stand out. But if you want your intro to be effective, you need to make sure it’s an attention-grabbing video. We’ll share some tips for creating an intro that people will notice in this post.

1. Make use of online templates

There are multiple video editors available online. You need not be dependent on your video editor person to edit your videos each time. These online video editors are designed so that they are very easy to use and offer multiple features to make your videos eye-catchy. There are hundreds of ready-made intro-maker templates available on these video editors. All you need to do is choose the best one that is the best fit for your video and customize it. 

The online video editors offer many options to customize your intro video. With the drag and drop features that most online editors offer, you can create a unique intro video for your brand. You can also use the available themes on the online editor, seek inspiration from the available sample or import your theme for your intro video. 

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2. Animate all you want

Animations never fail to surprise. You can use animations and cool motion effects to make breath-taking intro videos. Animations help create a long-lasting impact on your mind and keep the viewers glued to the screen. Animated intro videos can give a good kickstart to your videos. Animation is not just limited to making cool motion effects; you could produce an engaging promo with static images as well if that’s what your preference calls out for. Some people think animated videos are only for kids. Still, it would be a great idea to use animations in your intro video, even if your core video is subjected to a different target group. It can help in making a serious video give an exciting start.

3. Make your graphics game strong

Motion graphics have become a cheaper and more effective way of communicating information in the past few years. By using text as an integral part, instead of subtitles on images after they’re filmed or edited together, you can create exciting intro videos that engage from start to finish with less effort than before because there won’t be any need for voiceovers.

You can include color themes & stock images along with your logos to make an intro more engaging. You can display some abstract concepts & designs in your intro video using creative video graphics.

Many ways are used to experiment with the graphics of your video. Add images inside texts, use illusions, 3D effects, experiment with the fonts, and use animation effects and emojis to add some fun elements.

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4. Highlight your catchy logo

Find unique ways to highlight your brand logo in the intro video. Brand logos are necessary to create a brand identity. Companies like Warner Brothers and Disney have created amazing intro videos that showcase their famous brand symbols and logos. They ensure to run their intro videos before all of their productions. These intro videos act as a reminder for their viewers about them and their creations regularly. You can use the footage of the intro video to glorify your brand logo and name.

If you’re a new brand, you can introduce your brand to all viewers by focusing only on your brand logo in your intro video. You can try to keep it authentic and attention-seeking at the same time. Make your logo visible somewhere throughout the intro video to ensure that your logo leaves an impression. Place it strategically such that it blends well with your video.  

5. Add cool sound effects

You can experiment with your intro videos by including some special effects and cool sound effects that go with your intro video. If used in all your intro videos, a unique sound effect or a tune that viewers associate with your brand can act as an identifier for your brand. There should be an equal effort to create the intro videos since they become a part of your branding in the longer run. Using the right soundtrack can make your intro video impressive and surreal for your viewers.

Your video might have the same engagement even without the video, provided the content is relevant to your target group. However, including an intro video can be considered part of branding. In Bollywood, renowned production houses have been showing the same intro videos for all their movies for many years. The viewers have a certain perception about the quality and the type of content in their mind just by the look of that intro video.

Try following these five tips to make your intro video stand out. You may see an uptick in views and engagement with the right production value! Curate that impressive intro video with a blend of catchy graphics, smashing logo, and motion effects. Don’t forget about sound effects–they’re important too!


Video Intros are a very important part of a video. If you want to create engaging videos, it is important to add intros to them that will help you in engaging with your audience better.