The Ultimate Guide Benefits of Nicotinic Acid and Skincare 2023

The name “nicotinic acid” is misleading to many, associated with smoking and, of course, something negative. But in fact, this is one of the names of vitamin B3, and it is just very, very useful. Both for your health and for your beauty. Read our article and you will find out what nicotinic acid is, what properties it has, and how it can be used to improve the condition of hair and skin.

What is Nicotinic Acid

What is Nicotinic Acid?

Nicotinic acid, a form of vitamin B3, has several names. In the middle of the last century, this element was officially renamed niacin in many countries in order to finally get rid of associations with tobacco nicotine. Another name for it is vitamin PP (Pellagra Preventive). This name has been securely attached to nicotinic acid due to the fact that it is effectively used in the treatment of pellagra, a complex disease of the nervous system and skin caused by a lack of vitamin B3.

Niacin is involved in many important processes in the body:

  • Participates in carbohydrate, protein, and lipid metabolism;
  • Improves blood microcirculation;
  • Lowers cholesterol and triglyceride levels;
  • Contributes to the improvement of the nervous system;
  • Reduces inflammatory processes;
  • Reduces the risk of cardiovascular disease.

Nicotinic acid is found in many foods familiar to us: beets and beans, mushrooms, rye bread, fruits and nuts, buckwheat, eggs and dairy products, and meat and fish. Sometimes, with B3 vitamin deficiency, it is taken in the form of tablets, but you should not prescribe dietary supplements for yourself – this should be done by a doctor.

One of the main properties of nicotinic acid when applied externally is an increase in blood flow to the tissues. And this means that the external use of vitamin B3 allows you to stimulate metabolic processes and provide natural restoration of the skin or hair. It is thanks to these characteristics that niacin is so widely used in hair, nail, and facial care, which we will discuss in more detail later.

Why Use Niacin for Hair

Since nicotinic acid improves blood microcirculation and activates the flow of nutrients, it is used in hair care primarily to stimulate hair growth. In addition, niacin awakens “dormant” follicles, so it is often prescribed as a remedy for hair loss and is used to treat female alopecia. Therefore, if you want to grow luxurious thick curls, start introducing nicotinic acid into your beauty routine.

This remedy is also useful for owners of oily hair , since, acting on the scalp, vitamin B3 regulates the work of the sebaceous glands. Being able to wash your hair less often is a great motivation to try the effects of niacin for yourself.

Nicotinic acid for hair: tips for use

Today, there are many cosmetic products with vitamin PP in their composition. These are mainly sprays, lotions, and serums marked “for hair growth”. But if you want to go hardcore right away, go to your nearest drugstore and grab some vitamin B3. It is sold in ampoules.

Nicotinic acid for hair

Since niacin is an active ingredient, it is not suitable for sensitive and allergy-prone skin. Therefore, the day before you start using nicotinic acid, do a test on a small skin area. A slight redness (remember that vitamin PP accelerates blood circulation?) And a slight tingling is a norm, but burning and other negative sensations will immediately tell you that this remedy is not suitable for you. If the test is passed successfully, you can proceed with the procedure that will make your hair healthier, stronger, and longer:

  • Wash your hair as usual and dry your hair well with a towel. Do not use a hair dryer either before or after applying niacin, as the vitamin will simply evaporate when exposed to high temperatures and there will be no effect from its use.
  • Take two ampoules of vitamin PP – this volume is enough for one procedure. Apply vitamin “water” to the scalp with massaging movements, dividing wet hair into partings. You don’t need to wash it off.
  • Repeat this “rite” every 2-3 days for a month. If the result impressed you, then after 1-2 months you can repeat the course.

Can you just add niacin to your shampoo, conditioner, or mask? Technically, it is possible, but it will not give you the desired effect. Firstly, the active component will be highly diluted, and, secondly, all the above means are washable. This means that vitamin PP will have practically no time to work. Therefore, adding niacin ampoules to your jars does not make much sense.

TOP 3 hair products with vitamin B3

The goal of growing healthy and thick curls should have a systematic approach, and in most cases, the introduction of only one care product is not enough. Good sleep is also important here, as good nutrition, and, of course, the use of a complex of active ingredients, and not just one vitamin. We offer you three effective hair products with niacin in the composition for your luxurious hair.

ABOUT Hair Provitex Vegetable Ceramides Serum

ABOUT Hair Provitex leave-in serum contains ceramides, extracts of nettle, burdock, and hops, as well as a rich vitamin complex, including B3, B6, C, and E. Using this product will enhance the metabolism in hair follicles, activate hair growth, nourish them useful ingredients. And yet, thanks to the convenient packaging with a dropper, the serum is easy and convenient to apply.

Lunnitsa Mavka placenta serum for hair strengthening

Serum Mavka from the Ukrainian brand Lunnitsa is a professional salon care right at your home. Among the active components of this product are a placental hydrolyzate enriched with nucleic acids, a nutritional hydrolyzate of vegetable proteins, as well as beta-glucan, glycerin, and vitamins PP and B5. With it, you will forget about brittle, dry, and weak hair.

Joanna Firming Tonic Against Hair Loss

Biotin, niacin, probiotics, and hemp seed extract in Joanna tonic strengthen hair follicles, stimulate keratin production and normalize metabolic processes, which will allow you to grow strong and thick curls. In addition, the remedy has proven to be an effective solution for intense hair loss after suffering a coronavirus.

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How to Use Nicotinic Acid in Skincare

Nicotinic acid is also widely used in skincare, but in a slightly modified form, which has a more familiar name to us – niacinamide or nicotinamide. These are different names for the same vitamin element. When it enters the body, nicotinic acid is broken down to niacinamide, therefore, in facial cosmetics, a “ready-made” and more understandable vitamin B3 molecule is used in facial cosmetics.

Benefits of Nicotinic Acid

In addition, nicotinamide has a more gentle effect on the skin (compared to “pure” niacin) and does not cause redness or other skin reactions. However, niacinamide has a beneficial effect on the skin and helps with a range of problems:

  • Normalizes the production of sebum;
  • Reduces inflammatory processes;
  • Participates in active cell renewal;
  • Brightens pigmentation;
  • Has a rejuvenating effect and helps to “erase” small wrinkles and creases on the skin;
  • Thanks to the stimulation of collagen synthesis, it makes the skin more elastic and toned.

In general, a real lifesaver for oily, problematic, and mature skin. You can read more about the properties and use of niacinamide in previously published material in which you will find answers to all your questions. Well, if you are familiar with this ingredient, then we offer you 3 cool and effective products with nicotinamide.


What is nicotinic acid and how is it different from niacinamide?

A nicotinic acid is a form of vitamin B3 that can help improve the appearance of your skin. Niacinamide, on the other hand, is another form of vitamin B3 that offers similar benefits but is less likely to cause skin irritation.

How does nicotinic acid work in skincare?

Nicotinic acid works by improving the skin’s barrier function, increasing hydration, and reducing inflammation. It also helps to boost collagen production and reduce the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles.

What are the benefits of using nicotinic acid in skincare?

Nicotinic acid offers a range of benefits for the skin, including improving skin texture and tone, reducing the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles, and increasing hydration. It can also help to reduce inflammation and protect the skin from environmental damage.

Can nicotinic acid cause skin irritation?

While nicotinic acid is generally well-tolerated, it can cause skin irritation in some people. If you experience redness, itching, or burning after using nicotinic acid, discontinue use and speak with a dermatologist.

How should I incorporate nicotinic acid into my skincare routine?

Nicotinic acid can be found in a range of skincare products, including serums, moisturizers, and toners. To incorporate it into your skincare routine, start with a low-concentration product and gradually increase as your skin tolerates it. It’s also important to use sunscreen when using nicotinic acid as it can make your skin more sensitive to the sun.