Exploring How Polymer Gypsum Enhances Gypsum Immobilization

In this article, we are Exploring How Polymer Gypsum Enhances Gypsum Immobilization? Thousands of people are treated at traumatology departments around the world every day for fractures. Often, the primary condition for the treatment of this injury is plaster immobilization using a medically hardened bandage made using plaster. However, in recent years, doctors and patients increasingly prefer a more modern way to immobilize the injured part of the body – plastic plaster. In this article, we will talk about what polymer gypsum is, and consider its advantages over the classic gypsum bandage.

What is polymer gypsum?

As we have already said, in classical cases, bandages impregnated with gypsum are used for immobilization in case of a fracture, which then hardens, which ensures the immobility of the affected area. Plastic plaster is a similar product, also consisting of bandages and impregnation. However, in this case, the bandage is a polymer or fiberglass mesh that is impregnated with polyurethane resins.

Polymer gypsum does not require any complex manipulations when applied, it is fixed almost exactly the same as a classic plaster cast. In order to harden, this product needs about half an hour. Due to the fact that the plastic bandage is sufficiently flexible, it better follows the anatomical shape of the limb, which contributes to a stronger fit, and better immobilization.

An important feature of polymer gypsum is that after hardening it is almost impossible to change its shape, while a regular plaster cast quickly begins to crumble and deform.

In addition, such a device passes air well and does not change its shape upon contact with water.

However, there are also disadvantages. The application of polymer plaster is a paid service and is not covered by a health insurance policy.

In what cases is polymer gypsum used?

A plastic bandage can be used for a wide variety of injuries.

First of all, it is used for closed fractures of one or another localization. So, for example, polymer plaster can be applied in case of violation of the integrity of small bones, fractures of the hip, shoulder, heel, and so on. In 2014, scientists from the Altai State Medical University conducted a study, the results of which proved that it is advisable to use plaster immobilization to treat calcaneal fractures without displacement of bone fragments.

polymer modified plaster

It is noteworthy that plastic plaster can be used even for complex fractures with displacement.

In addition to a fracture, this type of fixation is used for cracks, sprains, and bruises, which is necessary to ensure the immobility of the limb.

Advantages of plastic gypsum:

The first indisputable advantage is the ease of construction. Polymer plaster is about three times lighter than a regular plaster cast.

Also, this product has high strength and does not lose its shape when in contact with water, due to which the patient can take water procedures without fear of damaging the bandage.

Hypoallergenic, breathability, and the ability to conduct an X-ray examination without removing the plaster – all this a significant plus.

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