Removing Venus Rings on Your Neck: Tips and Tricks for Home Remedies 2023

Removing Venus Rings on Your Neck: Tips and Tricks for Home Remedies 2023. We pay so much attention to facial care that sometimes we forget about one equally important area – the neck. The skin on the neck is quite thin, it contains an order of magnitude less collagen than the skin of the face. In the vast majority of cases, this factor is the cause of flabbiness and, as a result, early wrinkles. People call them the rings of Venus. Even despite such a seemingly romantic name, these transverse wrinkles-folds on the neck spoil all the beauty.

Causes Venus Rings on the Neck

But there are no hopeless situations. Modern cosmetology does not stand still, in addition, there are a large number of tools and recommendations for eliminating creases on the skin of the neck at home. We propose to discuss this topic in more detail.

What Causes Venus Rings on the Neck?

You can face the first unwanted wrinkles on the neck as early as the age of 25. Yes, there will not be many of them, but without proper care, they can become deeper and more noticeable. The causes of the appearance of horizontal wrinkles on the neck can be different, consider the most common of them:

  • Heredity. It is genetics that is responsible for the predisposition to the appearance of wrinkles at a particular age, their number, and not only. We can’t hide from her, but that doesn’t mean she can’t be outwitted.
  • Natural aging processes. Over time, the synthesis of collagen and elastin decreases, causing the skin to lose its firmness and elasticity. Also, do not forget about the effects of gravity. Gravity literally pulls our tissues down, and skin is no exception.
  • Aggressive exposure to sunlight. The neck is perhaps one of the most exposed parts of the body. Since the skin in this area is quite thin, it is very vulnerable to the harmful effects of ultraviolet radiation. This should not be forgotten, because you risk her youth.
  • Head movements. This is another factor that cannot be avoided. Frequent tilts of the head down or turns to the side affect the formation of creases. You may not notice it, but leaning over a book, smartphone, or tablet, your skin folds like an accordion. This is very similar to the formation of crow’s feet on the skin of the face – the more often you squint, the more the skin breaks.
  • Improper care or lack thereof. Dehydrated skin, deprived of care, is prone to the appearance of imperfections in the form of rings of Venus. Drink more water, choose products for care, and maintain the beauty of your skin

Other reasons that affect the formation of wrinkles on the neck include overweight, metabolic disorders, hormonal failure, bad habits, poor posture, etc.

How to Get Rid of Venus Rings on the Neck

If you are concerned about neck creases and want to reduce their severity, there are many ways to do this. We have put together some tips for you to help you deal with imperfections.

Get a massage

Massage will help to rejuvenate the skin and smooth wrinkles. It will reduce the severity of the rings of Venus, but will not completely get rid of them. Also, self-massage of the neck can be done even before the appearance of deep creases, minimizing their severity in the future. There are plenty of massage techniques for this zone; on the Internet, you can find many useful videos. You can do it only with your hands, as well as armed with a jade scraper or a roller.

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Include care products

You can’t do without them. And here should be the base set:

  • Scrub. Use a soft scrub so as not to injure the already delicate skin of the neck. It is enough to carry out the exfoliation procedure no more than 1-2 times a week. By removing dead skin particles, you can give the epidermis smoothness and refresh it, as well as prepare it for the next stage of care.
  • Moisturizing cream. It will help maintain skin elasticity, prevent the appearance of new wrinkles, and prevent them from becoming more pronounced.
  • Vitamin C products. Opt for serums. Why is it necessary with vitamin C? The thing is that this nutrient has antioxidant properties, stimulates cell regeneration, takes part in the synthesis of collagen, evens out the skin, and slows down the aging process.
  • Retinol. Retinol cream is perfect for the night. It activates the production of collagen and smoothes the skin. Please note that you need to introduce vitamin A into your daily care gradually so that the active ingredient does not cause irritation and peeling. The skin needs to get used to it. Give preference to products with a low concentration of this substance and gradually add it to your beauty routine: first, apply retinol twice a week, then three times. Each period must last at least two weeks. After that, you can move on to daily use. Important! Retinol makes the skin sensitive to ultraviolet radiation, so experts recommend applying it at night, and in the morning, be sure to use sunscreen with an SPF of at least 30.
  • Sunscreens. Since we have already talked about sunscreens, we suggest talking about them in a little more detail. Firstly, the skin needs UV protection in both winter and summer, otherwise, photoaging will overtake you. And secondly, using products with active ingredients is very important to provide protection to the epidermis, as it becomes vulnerable.
  • Masks. You can complement the care with various masks for the neck. They certainly won’t be redundant.
  • Supplements with collagen. Why not cream or serum? Let’s tell… Undoubtedly, you can introduce them into your daily beauty ritual, but you should not expect a quick effect and there are reasons for this. Over time, this protein ceases to be synthesized by the body and it will not be so easy to replenish its reserves with the help of external agents. It is more effective to take collagen in the form of nutritional supplements. So it is absorbed much faster and begins to act already inside the body, starting all the necessary processes.

how to remove neck wrinkles at home

But you can not stop at-home procedures, as there are additional methods that will help get rid of the rings of Venus.

How cosmetology can help

Today, the choice of cosmetic procedures aimed at skin rejuvenation is so large that it is difficult not to get confused. They can be conditionally divided into two groups:

  • Injectable. These include plasma lifting, bio revitalization, mesotherapy, and botulinum therapy. The procedures are completely different. Some involve the introduction of their own plasma, while others require special preparations (fillers) to smooth out creases on the skin.
  • Not injectable. Elos rejuvenation, RF lifting, photorejuvenation, laser rejuvenation, thread lifting, and more.

Depending on the depth of wrinkles and their number, the beautician will offer the most effective method for eliminating defects. Therefore, if you decide to seek help from specialists, be sure to find a trusted master.

Separately, I would like to highlight another interesting way to deal with the rings of Venus – taping. Although this method is not new, positive reviews do not stop appearing on the Internet. Does this really help to rejuvenate the skin? More likely no than yes.

Taping gives a short-term result, there is also a high probability of injuring delicate skin and acquiring irritation (removing the tape, you remove the protective layer of the epidermis). These elastic bands should be selected and applied by someone who understands how they work, as there are many nuances to this method.

How cosmetology can help Venus Rings


1. Can Venus rings be cured?

No, there is no cure for Venus rings, but their appearance can be reduced through various treatments.

2. Are there any natural remedies for Venus rings?

While there are no natural remedies that have been proven to cure Venus rings, some people have found that applying a mixture of lemon juice and honey to the affected area can help lighten the skin.

3. Is it safe to use skin-lightening creams for Venus rings?

Skin-lightening creams can be effective in reducing the appearance of Venus rings, but they should only be used under the guidance of a dermatologist. Some skin-lightening creams contain harmful ingredients, such as mercury, that can cause serious health problems.

4. Will losing weight help reduce the appearance of Venus rings?

If your Venus rings are caused by obesity, losing weight can help reduce their appearance. However, if your Venus rings are caused by other factors, weight loss may not be effective.

5. Can Venus rings be a sign of a more serious health condition?

In some cases, Venus rings can be a sign of an underlying health condition, such as insulin resistance or polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS). If you have Venus rings, it is important to consult a dermatologist to determine if further testing is necessary.