Most Popular Kitchen Design Ideas 2023

Most Popular and Trending Kitchen Design Ideas 2022. The kitchen is one of the most important and functional rooms of an apartment or house, therefore its design should be treated responsibly and creatively. From the article, you will learn the most fashionable trends of 2022 in the design of stylish and practical kitchens.

Kitchen Design Layout Interior 2022

An important step in the design of the kitchen interior design is to think over the layout of this room, which determines the free area, convenience, and functionality of working areas. In the 2022 year, a linear layout will be popular, in which the working area is organized in one place, and furniture with appliances line up along one wall. This option replaced the L-shaped and became the basis of modern kitchen interiors.

Advice! If the kitchen Design is narrow, then two linearly located work areas can be distinguished: place furniture along one wall, and opposite, place household appliances along the line.

Another practical and non-standard Kitchen Design solution is a linear island layout. In this case, the main part of the interior components is lined up, and one or two elements are carried out to the center of the kitchen and form an island. And many mistakenly believe that such an arrangement “eats up” the area: sometimes, on the contrary, it improves and optimizes the ergonomics and functionality of the room.

In an ideal Kitchen Design Idea, You can separately organize the work surface with a cupboard and counter-top, stove, or sink. But it is important to remember the need to re-equip communications, because you may have to supply water or gas pipes to the island, which requires the work of a specialist and compliance with safety standards.


For Kitchen Design furniture, use only the necessary items. This can be a ready-made headset, including several walls and floor modules, or a set of perfectly matching cabinets.

Consider The Current Kitchen Design Trends Of 2022 On Furniture

  • Conciseness, simple geometry. The simpler the form, the more modern the kitchen looks. Dimensions also should not emphasize furniture, so in the 2022 year, it is worth abandoning large-sized models and choosing compact ones.
  • Linear headsets that line the wall.
  • Simple facades. Doors with handles are a thing of the past: they are replaced with one-touch doors.
  • Invisible furniture. It seems to dissolve in the interior, becoming its integral part. To achieve this, you should choose embedded compact models, designed in the color matching the background. If the furniture is not striking, then the main task is completed.
  • Light shades. The range of kitchen furniture in 2022 is mostly bright. Such objects look aesthetically pleasing and seem to soar in the air.
  • Matte textures. Glossy facades, popular in past seasons, are gradually fading into the background and are being replaced by matte surfaces, which, by the way, are more practical. On such coatings, fingerprints characteristic of gloss does not remain. A special dirt-repellent layer will not allow pollution.

Technical Equipment

Kitchen Design Ideas

An important role in the Kitchen Design of the kitchen is played by technical equipment. Ultramodern multi-functional variations of household appliances are offered. In the kitchen of 2020, there is always an oven, a refrigerator, and a microwave. You can also use small additional technical devices: a food processor, a juicer, a coffee grinder, a coffee maker, and others.

An oven can be an interesting accent if you place it in a niche in the wall. Relevant and built-in models of refrigerators, and microwaves. In the trend are household kitchen appliances with displays, and remote control. Color solutions are varied and depend on the task: hide and veil the technique as much as possible, not highlighting the general background, or making a bright accent.

An important component of technical equipment in the 2020th year will be built-in lights that provide illumination to certain functional areas: the contents of cabinets, countertops, and household appliances. The backlight can be part of the design of furniture or appliances or can be organized additionally, for example, using modular lamps, and LEDs.

Stylistic Directions

The fashionable interior design of the kitchen involves the use of the design of a certain stylistic direction. And in 2022, the following styles are relevant:

  1. Hi-tech. A high-tech kitchen looks ultramodern and even somewhat futuristic: the interior uses built-in multi-functional household appliances with electronic or remote control, light colors (white, gray) with color accents, chrome, and glossy surfaces.
  2. Aloft is not hidden communications, concrete or brickwork, the predominance of gray, brown, and beige tones, rough textures, modern appliances, and simple pieces of furniture (a table with thick legs, stools instead of chairs).
  3. Eco style. This style is incredibly popular; it has firmly entered the life of modern people and has been leaked to all its spheres, including interior design. Characteristic features are items made from processed raw materials, a tendency to naturalness and naturalness, a natural discreet palette, the predominance of natural materials (wood, jute, flax, cotton, bamboo), and living plants.
  4. Minimalism. The basic idea is to give up everything superfluous in order to ensure maximum functionality. The finish is concise and sustained in neutral shades. In the kitchen, there are only necessary household appliances and furniture: compact and mostly built-in. The competent organization of storage systems is important. Finishing and facades are concise and plain, there are no decorative elements. The option is ideal for a small kitchen.
  5. Modern classic. In 2020, the classic kitchen acquires a different design. Simple geometry, conciseness, noble materials, neutral pastel shades, and restraint still remain in it. But technology and materials are becoming modern, functional, and practical.

Color Spectrum

What colors prevail in trendy kitchens in 2022? Consider the current trends:

  • White is aesthetic, minimalist, neutral, and versatile. Against its background, any interior elements look advantageous.
  • The trend is black and white. Individually, these colors are boring and banal, but together they create vivid contrasts, fashionable in the 2022nd year.
  • Shades of brown: mushroom, terracotta, wood, chocolate.
  • The green palette, including its bright and calm, as well as rich and deep components: shades of stale grass and sage, pale lime, swamp, bottle, emerald.
  • Nude beige tones. They look calm and gentle, soften and somewhat neutralize the intensity of deep shades.
  • Saturated dark blue. Recently, its intense presence on vast surfaces has been outlined. This color is in harmony with the equally fashionable white and beige.
  • Monochrome is the use of shades of the same color. A monochrome kitchen interior is able to change the boundaries of space depending on the prevalence of light or, conversely, dark tones.


2022 is rich in materials used to design kitchen interiors. First of all, it is a noble tree with a pleasant natural texture. The stone is popular, but its successful imitations are more often used: they are more accessible and practical. In the form of inserts and individual elements of decor, metal is also used in modern interiors, moreover, various: steel, copper, and brass.

Your kitchen can also be stylish and fashionable if you take into account the trends described above during its design!