10 Useful Tips Only Experts Know About Swimming Pool 2023

10 Useful Tips Only Experts Know About Swimming Pool 2023. Enjoyable summer season is here at our doorstep. Everybody don’t want to miss the real fun and enjoyment to have on swimming pools. There are lots of activities that we love to have on almost every weekend. But, do you know, according to experts, there are some rules to keep in mind and follow in order to stay safe, healthy and have fun at its best. So, today, we are here on SensePot.com to share with you the golden tips, tricks, and advice revealed by our experts.

Swimming Pool tips
10 Useful Tips Only Experts Know About Swimming Pool

How to start swimming? Preparations Before Head To Swimming Pool

Long wanted to master a new element, but not enough time? Or are you afraid to go to the pool, because you are scared of the many rules? By reading this article, you will dispel your doubts and fears.

How to choose a pool? That Fits You Best

It’s worth starting from this because of your comfort and productivity of training will largely depend on the pool itself.

First, pay attention to such parameters as the length of the swimming pool, the number of tracks, their width, as well as the depth of the pool. There are two standard lengths – 25 meters and 50 meters (“short” and “long” water). The number of tracks can vary from 3 to 10, while the width of each should be 2.25-2.5 meters. The depth of the pool varies widely – from 1.5 to 6 meters.

The pool can be an independent sports complex and can be located in a fitness center. In the first case, it will more comply with the standards and norms applicable to swimming pools, and in the second it all depends on the fitness center, which has the right to call a pool a bowl of any size.

Let’s explore the features so that you can compare both options.

Swimming Pool Tips and Tricks

The pool as an independent sports complex

Before you go to such a pool, call the sports complex and specify the rules for visiting and the time of mass swimming sessions. Please note that due to the large number of visitors, swimming in some pools is only possible by appointment. You will also need a medical certificate.

Now get acquainted with two simple terms that may come in handy.

Mass swimming is swimming, in which visitors swim on their own tracks.

A swimming session is a 45-minute session devoted to one swimming training.

Mass swimming differs from group training (training a group of swimmers by a trainer) and personal training (training a swimmer by a trainer). If you want to do it yourself, such a pool is perfect, but the session will be limited to 45 minutes. Do not rush to immediately take a subscription for several visits. Take a one-time visit to determine if this pool is right for you.

Pool in the fitness center

If you have chosen fitness with a pool, ask for a guest visit to make sure it suits you. If the fitness club does not offer such an opportunity, ask them to inspect and visually evaluate the pool bowl.

Often, clubs offer fitness with a jacuzzi-sized pool. There you can not fully swim. Such certification pools are not subject to any certification standards for length, width, depth and so on, but the safety standards are the same there.

Swimming Pool Tricks
Best Swimming Pool Tips and Expert Advice

What to take to the pool?

To visit the pool you will need:

Choose a suit from dense materials resistant to chlorine.

Rubber, silicone, fabric or a combination of materials – at your discretion. Any will improve your streamlining, but none will protect your hair from getting wet. They protect your eyes from chlorine and make swimming more comfortable.

Ordinary beach slippers are suitable, although there are special slippers for the pool – they are less slippery and denser to sit on wet feet. You can not do without soap and washcloths – this is an obligatory set for a shower before and after swimming.

A microfiber sports towel is best – it is compact and absorbs moisture well. And finally, if you chose the pool as a sports complex, then you definitely need a medical certificate. You can find out about the requirements for certificates in a particular pool on the website of this pool or by phone.

Usually, this is a certificate from the therapist with the seals of the medical institution. But sometimes this is not enough and analysis is required. For children, tests for visiting the pool are mandatory, for adults they are carried out only in some cases.

How to behave in the pool?

swimming pool do and donts

In the fitness center, the pool is available for visiting at any time. In the sports complex, sessions often start on a schedule. Go to the locker room is allowed 15 minutes before the start of the swimming session.

Once in the hall, take off your outer clothing and change your shoes in slippers. Outdoor shoes are usually left in the wardrobe. Take the key to the locker and go into the locker room.

Take a shower without a bathing suit, and then equip yourself with a suit, hat, glasses. You can take a bottle of water into the pool area – but only a plastic one since it is strictly forbidden to bring glass objects there. If something glass breaks in the water, swimmers will have to be evacuated and the pool drained and cleaned.

Before you start swimming, you can stretch yourself – squat, stretch your arms and shoulders. Warming up reduces the likelihood of injury. After that, estimate the number of swimmers on the lanes – it is obvious that the one where there are fewer is better. But not only the quantity, but also the level of swimmers is important – choose those who swim the same way as you.

Remember that some tracks may be reserved for individual pieces of training with a trainer or for group classes.

To enter the water, use the stairs. Diving into the water from the nightstands and sides is unsafe, and even experienced swimmers do not practice such diving in training.

Two-way traffic is organized on the track – swimming on the right side. Sometimes, if two swimmers take the track, they can agree and split the track in half, but as soon as the third one joins them, the track will again become two-way.

To make it easier for you to navigate, markings are made on the bottom of the pool for each path. You must be to her right.

How to start swimming?

If you have never swum in the pool, we recommend starting with a trainer. There is such an opportunity in every pool. Classes led by a specialist will teach you the basic skills that you can develop yourself.

If you decide that you can handle it yourself, here are some tips:


Any sport begins with this. To stretch all the muscles that are involved in swimming, swim six “pools” (for example, if the pool is 25 meters long, you need to swim these 25 meters six times) in the following mode: crawl, breaststroke, on the back, on the back, breaststroke, crawl. Such a warm-up will prepare you for any swimming workout.

Remember about breathing:

Breathe order for your swimming to be effective, get used to exhaling with your nose into the water and inhaling with your mouth. Then the water will not get into the nose. Inhaling with your mouth, exhaling with your nose into the water – it’s simple!

One of the main secrets to success in swimming is the point of balance . Exercises to find balance is simple enough and are good for beginners. They can be found in swimming books and on the Internet. Begin self-study with these exercises, and soon you will stop fighting with water and feel more confident.

Visit the pool at least two to three times a week, swim at least 40 minutes per workout and the results will not belong in coming. Good luck in mastering the new element!

First time to the pool | What do you need to know?

Sport and physical activity are necessary for everyone who seeks to maintain their body in good shape. And swimming is one of the healthiest sports that can not only strengthen muscles, increase their endurance, but also give excellent posture, recharge with positive energy and relieve psychological stress. Swimming gives excellent results in the process of losing weight, as during training a large amount of energy is burned.

Unlike most other sports, swimming has a minimum of contraindications. Often it is recommended to people who are recovering from injuries, as well as have problems with the spine. The fact is that while in the water there is no load on the spine, which inevitably occurs when doing other sports.

Before heading to the pool (Get Prepared)

The most important thing you should always take care of is our health. Therefore, the first thing before going to the pool is to go to the doctor. Firstly, in this way, you can make sure that swimming is not contraindicated for you, and secondly, get a certificate that you do not have any contagious diseases and your stay in the pool is safe for others.

The certificate is taken from a therapist (he must make sure, for example, that you are not cold and check for contagious diseases), as well as a dermatologist.

Having received the necessary information, you can go in search of the very pool that will satisfy all your needs. The main thing is to remember that in the pool you must definitely require a certificate of health status. If the certificate was not requested, it is better to look for another complex, because this means that other visitors did not require the certificate, and one of them may well be a carrier of a serious infectious disease.

Of course, all this gimmick with inquiries is not too joyful, but it is a necessity that ensures that you do not catch any disease yourself and do not infect others.

The main criteria for choosing a pool

Perhaps this applies only to residents of large cities, which really have a choice of complexes with pools.

Of course, first of all, you need to pay attention to the location of the complex – it is better if the path from the pool to the house does not take much time.

Having looked at the most suitable option for the location, you need to clarify some important points, such as:

The method of water purification (chlorination, ionization, purification using ultraviolet radiation). Chlorine is the most inexpensive means of purifying water in the pool, which means it is the most popular, but some people have individual intolerance to this substance. If you choose a pool in which water is cleaned with bleach – make sure that you are not allergic to it.

The presence of showers. In good pools, control should be maintained so that people do not start training in the water without first having a swim. It is also necessary to swim after swimming to wash off chlorinated water.