Intermittent Fasting For Weight Loss: Discover Benefits, Pros & Cons 2023

Shocking Facts About Intermittent Fasting For Weight Loss

What is Intermittent Fasting? How does Intermittent Fasting Work For Weight Loss? There are many modern ways to lose weight and improve health. Most of them are based on changes in diet. For example, the so-called periodic fasting has recently gained popularity. And what is its essence, and how to adhere to the main principles? We will tell you about this!

What Is Intermittent Fasting Diet Plan For Weight Loss?

Periodic fasting is a nutritional scheme in which there are two periods. The first is hunger: no food can be taken at this time, and only water is consumed. The second period is the food window into which you can and should eat. Getting a normal daily or reduced rate of calories, fats, carbohydrates, and proteins.

Intermittent Fasting For Weight Loss

Why is this needed? People practice periodic fasting for different purposes, and its effect is in the following areas of influence on the body.

Intermittent Fasting and related diet plan are suitable for weight loss. During the “hungry” periods, the body does not receive energy from outside, and it begins to use its own energy reserves, that is, fat deposits, to maintain a normal life. As a result, fats are broken down, body weight decreases.

Periodic fasting or Intermittent Fasting cleanses the body, has a detoxifying effect, that is, it helps to eliminate toxins. This is great willpower training. If you consider yourself weak-willed or weak-willed, then periodic fasting will give you confidence in yourself, confidence, and firmness.

Intermittent Fasting Benefits

Proper periodic fasting or Intermittent Fasting For Weight Loss can improve health. Many diseases develop precisely because of malnutrition: erratic meals, overeating. Starving for periods, you will, in fact, introduce a clear regimen, due to which the body will spend less energy on digesting food that comes randomly or excessively often, and the gastrointestinal tract begins to function smoothly.

In addition, with periodic fasting, the level of harmful cholesterol and glucose in the blood is normalized.

Intermittent Fasting – Basic schemes

There are various schemes for Intermittent Fasting For Weight Loss that is also called periodic fasting:

First Type: 12/12.

The day is divided in half: one half is intended for normal nutrition, and in the second half you refuse food. The method is gentle, suitable for beginners.

Second Type: 14/10.

The fasting period for this scheme lasts 14 hours, and the food window – ten.

Third Type: 16/8.

This method was developed by nutritionist Martin Berkhan and involves the alternation of 16-hour periods of hunger and eight-hour food windows.

Fourth Type: 18/6.

It is a tougher option based on the previous scheme. You starve for eighteen hours and eat the remaining six.

Fifth Type: 36/12.

The scheme is designed for two days and is quite tough, it is more suitable for “advanced” starving people. The duration of the hunger period is thirty-six hours. And in the next 12 hours, food is allowed.

The so-called “warrior diet”, which the Spartans and Roman legionnaires were forced to observe. You starve all day and eat only in the evening for four hours.

One day fasting once or twice a week. It resembles fasting days, but any food is prohibited.

Sixth Type: 24/24.

One day you refuse to eat, and the next day you eat in the usual way.

Seventh Type: 23/1.

A one-hour diet. You go hungry all day and set aside only one hour a day for eating.

Intermittent Fasting:- Pros & Cons

Intermittent Fasting pros and cons

Intermittent Fasting For Weight Loss has both positive and negative sides.

Let’s Analyze The Pros First:

  • The diet is suitable for weight loss: over a month, body weight can decrease by 3-7 kilograms, depending on the food consumed and the initial weight.
  • This is a universal system, suitable for those who want to lose weight, and people who improve their health.
  • You can choose the most comfortable scheme.
  • Willpower is being trained, discipline is developing.
  • The body is cleansed.
  • This is convenient: there should be a certain time period that you choose yourself. The rest of the time, you can not worry about food (this is suitable for busy people).
  • You can adjust the scheme to your schedule and daily routine.
  • There is no need to strictly limit yourself to food and give up the usual foods.
  • No need to cook complicated special dishes, eat on the clock.
  • You get a lot of free time.
  • Minimum cash costs.

Now We Discuss The Cons:

  • Severe hunger causes discomfort, in some people it leads to aggression and nervousness.
  • The presence of contraindications.
  • Possible decreased performance if the fasting period is long.
  • With the wrong exit from periodic fasting, weight gain and digestion are likely.
  • With this type of nutrition, it is difficult to gain muscle mass.
  • The likelihood of hormonal disruptions in women.
  • If there is a lot of junk food in the food windows, the weight will not go anywhere, and health will only worsen.

To whom is periodic nutrition contraindicated?

Periodic nutrition, like any diet, has contraindications. These include:

  • Diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, such as an ulcer or gastritis with increased acidity of the digestive juice (contraindication applies to strict schemes with prolonged hungry periods);
  • Bearing a child;
  • Lactation period;
  • Exacerbation of chronic diseases;
  • Lack of body weight;
  • Exhaustion of the body;
  • Rehabilitation after illness, surgery or injury;
  • Hypoglycemia – low blood sugar, its sharp decline;
  • Type 2 diabetes mellitus;
  • Intense mental or physical activity;
  • Colds and infectious diseases;
  • The period of menstruation in women (if heavy blood loss);
  • Eating disorders: bulimia , anorexia ;
  • Taking certain medications that require clockwise nutrition;
  • Severe diseases of the liver, cardiovascular system, kidneys.

Key Principles & Recommendations

The basic rules for periodic fasting are as follows:

  1. Do not try to eat “for the future” during the food window: this will lead to indigestion and weight gain. Eat as usual or include diet foods in your diet, reducing your daily calorie intake.
  2. Drink plenty of fluids – up to 2 liters per day. It is better to drink only water, but black coffee without sugar or unsweetened teas (herbal, green, black) are also allowed. You can add lemon juice to the water.
  3. Select a specific time of the food window and do not change it to maintain a clear diet.
  4. To avoid loss of muscle mass, enter protein foods in the menu: eggs, meat, nuts, mushrooms, milk.
  5. In hungry periods, do not eat anything, even light foods and dishes.

Expert Advice:-

In order to start Intermittent Fasting For Weight Loss, It is recommended to have a look at World’s Best Experts Advice.

  • It will not be easy to starve at first, but it is important to survive the period of adaptation: it will be easier further.
  • In severe hunger, drink water or distract yourself with business.
  • Choose the scheme that suits you. If you are uncomfortable, and you feel worse, then the option is not suitable: try another. If with any methods you feel bad, refuse periodic fasting at all.
  • Consult a doctor and consult with him before periodically starving.
  • Eat a healthy diet to get the best effect.
  • Get out of periodic fasting correctly by eating light and healthy foods fractionally and in moderation. Do not overeat, do not eat junk food.
  • Periodic fasting is an effective way of eating that may well suit you. Try it and evaluate your impressions and results.

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