How To Choose The Best Cat Litter 2023?

Choosing The World’s Best Cat Litter 2023. Cats are one of the biggest picks in lovely pets. They are quirks in the world. Features of their behavior also affect the choice of a way of satisfying natural needs. One, like many of her relatives, goes to the toilet on a small tray, lovingly picked up by the owner. While the other is on the toilet, the third pees into the drain hole of the bathtub. However, the fourth into the pot with her beloved lemon, and the fifth everywhere and everywhere. But usually, such individuals long do not get along with the owner in the same apartment.

Here we talk about the traditional tray with filler. Now on the market, there is simply a huge selection of different fillers. Only a very lazy businessman is not trying now to produce dry food and fillers for cats and dogs. How in the conditions of such a huge variety of proposals to choose the best filler that meets both the needs of the cat and its owner?

How To Choose The Best Cat Litter

We can discover one ugly secret:

Before the best cat litter:- The best filler that would like all cats and all owners in nature does not exist. As a former employee of a pet store, I often had to deal with this situation: there is a huge assortment in the store, and there is nowhere to go because of mountains of fillers, but one particular customer constantly comes and complains about the lack of a certain foreign filler: “Once upon a time, they were so beautiful – in a big blue package with a red cat, but it turned out to be so good.

This is the best filler of all! It does not stick to its paws, and does not spread throughout the apartment, like some. And how our Musenko liked him! She doesn’t want to go to others after him. ” After several such visits, you yourself are convinced that this is probably the best filler in the world.

Well, a person can’t walk and ask for any rubbish for months! And here in the warehouse of a wholesale company you see a coveted, slightly dusty from long storage, blue bag with a red cat. You take it and solemnly sell it in your store to that same buyer. He thanks and asks to order again, not forgetting to praise him well several times. And you order and in large quantities. Moreover, you can find the best cat litter box on Amazon. There is a huge variety of best-selling and top-rated products.

Shelves are bursting with blue packages

Shelves are bursting with blue packages, you are intensively advertising a new product, but the owner of a fastidious cat comes for packaging once every three months (apparently it really lasts a long time!), and the rest do not really like it. Many complain: “Well, did you trick me again? Come on, my regular! ”

Often cats, indeed, have a tendency to choose a filler with great meticulousness, sometimes with no less than their owners. If one individual is ready to relieve its need for even the most extreme novelty proposed by the owner, then the other may prefer only one particular type and even refuse to go to the toilet or write in the wrong place if you have acquired something that is not used to it. “Please give me“ Alpine freshness, ”because my cat doesn’t want to write to your“ Lavender ”!” – Such sayings have to be heard quite often.

So Best Cat Litter Box for each cat and its owner, there is a filler for the toilet tray, you just have to try and choose the one that suits you. However, a person who has just got a small fluffy inhabitant in his house can find it difficult to navigate all the variety of fillers. Therefore, the request: “And you will not help me choose a filler?” – is one of the most common in the pet store. Let’s talk about the advantages and disadvantages of the individual types of this product.

The Best Cat Litter Box


It was the most affordable and common “toilet filler”. And now some people still use it. Although it is worth noting that such extremes are becoming less and less. Sand has only one virtue: in some cases, it can be obtained for free. But ordinary sand has a lot of shortcomings: it quickly gets wet, or rather dry sand can only be found in the summer in extreme heat in the absence of rain for a long time.

It does not hold smell and moisture, sticks to his paws, and is carried around the apartment. Cleaning sand from carpet paths is just torture for housewives. Sand has to be changed several times a day. I still remember the desperate exclamation of my brother, whose duty was to change the sand of our cat: “Again, he peed!”.

Vasya especially liked to “walk” into the “freshly changed” sand, after which he again had to be changed. It should also be noted that sand is an important factor in the spread of various diseases, especially typed somewhere on the street. Street cats often “go to the toilet” in sand heaps, leaving their helminth eggs, toxoplasma cysts, various bacteria, and viruses. In old literature, they advised using calcined sand for their favorites: but you think, who will do all this?

Torn Paper

Some owners are trying to use paper and newspapers torn into small pieces. They have to be changed after each cat trip to the toilet, as the paper gets wet instantly. This is suitable for someone, but you need to have a large warehouse of old newspapers and waste paper at home or work in the library. This method only seems cheap, because you need to consider that getting a large number of free newspapers is now very difficult.


Sawdust is a good option, they have a good ability to absorb moisture and can hold an odor for a while, and do not stick to their paws. But they are easily entangled in the fur of furry cats. Sawdust can be purchased in large quantities at wood processing enterprises. Sometimes it is provided free of charge, it’s all the same waste, but some organizations sell sawdust.

However, at a small price. When using sawdust, several factors must be taken into account: they must be large or medium in size, very small to form dust that can cause respiratory diseases in your pet; you need to make sure that the tree was not treated with drugs that protect against damage – they can be toxic; In addition, some wood species, such as conifers, can cause allergies. In this sense, it’s easier and more convenient.

Ready-Made Finished Toilets – Cat Litter Box

With all the variety of bright, colorful, and convenient packages that fill the windows of pet stores, all fillers can be divided into several groups.

Clay-based absorbent fillers

They are lumps dried at high temperatures and pressed clay with various additives and without them. Clay is a good natural absorbent with the ability to remarkably absorb moisture and odor. Absorbent fillers are not pressed when wet. They need to be changed completely: you need to pour everything that was in the tray into the urn.

The frequency of replacement depends on the quality of the filler: from daily to 1 time in several days. Excrement, in any case, must be removed every day. These fillers, depending on the manufacturer, are among the cheapest. Granules can be of different sizes: from large to small.

Cats can eat clay fillers

How harmful is it to them? In fact, a high-quality clay filler without flavorings does not pose any serious danger to a cat. Clay powder is part of many medicines and is used in its pure form in veterinary medicine and medicine as an absorbent: clay removes various toxins and waste products from the body and is used for poisoning and diarrhea.

In addition, the best cat litter clay contains a large number of minerals. Therefore, if your pussy is particularly addicted to eating a filler, it’s worth considering whether she has enough in her diet? It is possible that in this way your animal is trying to make up for the lack of minerals in the body. Excessive consumption of filler can lead to constipation.

Clumping fillers – Clumping Cat Litters

Clumping filler is the same clay, only smaller in structure and having the ability to form a lump after wetting. Such a lump can be easily removed at the end of the day with a dustpan and add a portion of the new filler to the tray. As a result, it is spent less.

However, Best Clumping Cat Litter is somewhat more expensive than absorbent ones. Manufacturers recommend changing the filler completely once a week. Pour clumping fillers with a thicker layer than absorbent ones – at least 4-5 cm. Otherwise, instead of a neat little lump, you will get a dirty slurry and complete disappointment in this type of cat litter.

In practice, you always have to check whether the filler is really capable of clumping, as the advertisement on its packaging assures. It happens that after a cat’s “popis” it does not form a lump, but a layer of compacted wet clay at the bottom of the tray, which delivers a lot of unpleasant minutes to the owner trying to scrape off this dirt.

Not very good fillers can also pester the cat’s feet and pollute the room. Despite all this, many clumping fillers are truly high-quality products. Separately, I would like to note granular fillers, which are completely spared from the fine dust inherent in all clay products. For some pet owners, this quality is crucial when choosing from peers.

Based on sawdust or wood filler

Represents granules from sawdust pressed under pressure, and when wet, its granules disintegrate and turn into a scattering of sawdust. It has all the advantages that the product from which it is made: absorbs moisture and smells well, but unlike sawdust from the street, it is absolutely hygienic and safe for cats.

Since the sawdust is pressed at high temperature and pressure, these granules can also absorb much more moisture at the outlet than conventional sawdust. Wood fillers are not very economical: like absorbing them, you have to change completely almost every day.

They do not stick to their paws, but they can clog into the coat of especially fluffy cats (but this is already a matter of general hygiene: such a cat needs to be combed regularly and sometimes cut the hair near the anus). Safe to eat although large numbers can clog the cat’s intestines. But cats that encroach on wood filler are extremely rare: this is a perversion of appetite, there is nothing nutritious in sawdust for a cat.

Silica Gel. Silica Gel-based Fillers

The main component is silicon crystals) are some of the most expensive. But they are worth it! Because they need to be completely changed only once a month (according to the recommendations of the manufacturers), they are great for the laziest and busiest owners.

Cats usually don’t mind either! Silica gel is a synthetic absorbent, it has the extreme ability to absorb moisture, and retain odor, bacteria on such a filler multiply slowly. Absorbing urine, granules from white become dirty yellow. Manufacturers recommend removing excrement and the most contaminated areas every day.

But the latter, as a rule, does not succeed, because cats, raking their paws, mix all the granules. Therefore, if the pussy has increased metabolism, it is still necessary to change it more often than it is written on the package. But, Nevertheless, these fillers still remain one of the most economical and fully cover the costs of their purchase. In recent years, the popularity of silica gel fillers is growing rapidly, which once again proves its high efficiency and ease of use for the owner of the animal.

Among people, it is believed that silica gel is dangerous if swallowed. In shoe boxes, we often come across bags with silica gel on which it says: Do not eat – not for food. In fact, silica gel is a completely neutral and non-toxic substance, but getting into the intestines in large quantities and swelling from absorbed moisture, it can cause obstruction.

But to eat it for this you really need quite a lot and it is unlikely that cats are capable of it. Nevertheless, if you notice that your animal eats a filler, you should be vigilant and think about replacing it. The main disadvantage of silica gel is that it rustles, and some cats get scared for the first time, so it’s better to switch to it gradually, mixing with the old one.

Not traditional – Common Cat Litters

This may include new fillers that are not very common in our stores. For example, “mixes”, consisting of a mixture of different types, fillers from corn cobs (rare, but popular in the West, considered environmentally friendly), wheat bran (you can eat and throw in the toilet), straw, from silica gel balls (the same silica gel, but in the form of balls, presumably will be a cat ride around the apartment, but fun!), fillers from paper, cellulose, flax, coffee, bamboo, and other organic substances.

Buyers often ask for a filler that could be thrown directly into the toilet. In fact, there are very few. In our country, this is mainly a different “import exotic”. The vast majority have a remarkable ability to plug sewers. Therefore, throw out the “used” fillers, please, in the bin.

The following caution can be read on some packages: “It is not recommended to remove the filler for pregnant women.” Many are frightened and refuse to take such a filler: “Is he dangerous for pregnant women? Give me “regular” stuff that can be cleaned by pregnant women! ” In fact, “cat pellets” have nothing to do with it.

Just cats, even absolutely domestic and outwardly healthy ones, unfortunately, very often are carriers of toxoplasmosis, a disease that is dangerous for a person that affects various organs and systems of the body and in pregnant women often leading to miscarriages and various malformations in the unborn child. Toxoplasma is excreted from the body of a cat with feces. Therefore, it is best for a pregnant woman to limit contact with cats altogether, and charge another family member with cleaning.

My Ending Words

And what kind of fillers are suitable for dogs, ferrets, and rabbits, if these animals are accustomed to walking on a tray? The first two species are the same as cats. It is only necessary to take into account the physiological characteristics of animals in dogs, even if it is the size of a cat, the volume of urine is larger and the filler must be changed more often and, accordingly, it is better to fill the filler with a thicker layer for dogs.

As for rabbits, wood filler is best for them, rabbits write a lot and clay instantly turns into a swamp. If a rabbit eats filler, then it is even useful for him: they need fiber, and try only to buy it without flavors and additives. There is a positive experience with the use of silica gel fillers for rodents. Recently, some companies produce special fillers for rodents, for example, based on hay,

Which of these products to choose is up to you and your cat. Try it, and comments can be written on our website. Our experts will be very interested to know your opinion.